Old Stone Fort State Archeological Park

EVERYBODY takes pictures at Old Stone Fort! And there’s a reason – it’s beautiful with a million opportunities for pictures. Don’t overlook this genuine treasure just because other folks have their pictures made there. For one thing, if you are an amateur, look at where pros have shot to get some good ideas. And if you are creative you can always find new angles at familiar sites. 

Harley on the bridge at Old Stone Fort

So where are some good sites for pix?

  • On the bridge, of course
  • Walking on the roadways (watch for traffic!)
  • On top of the visitors center, tree background
  • On top of the visitors center, river background
  • On top of the visitors center, trail background
  • Against the Visitor Center rock walls
  • On any trail but especially the main walk near the Visitors Center
  • Right side, Duck River, Big Falls, dam background
  • Right side, low bending tree limb (see pic)
  • Left Side, Little Duck River, Little Falls (see pic)
  • Center grassy field (see pic)
Caleb relaxing on a tree limb
Caleb relaxing on a tree limb
Eric and Tori wading in the Little Falls area
Eric and Tori wading in the Little Falls area
Maegan at Old Stone Fort
Maegan at Old Stone Fort

Hey! Leave me a comment about your favorite spot at Old Stone Fort to take pix!